Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Chess Statewide

It can be too easy to think of Melbourne as being Victoria. However, there is plenty of country chess going on at all levels, and the premier annual tournament in the state is held in Ballarat. Well, I received an email from Nigel Barrow pointing out that a junior chess tournament was held in Bendigo and received local media coverage.

Here's what Nigel had to say about the event.

Yesterday (21st August) separate Primary and Secondary School Zonal tournaments were conducted at Girton Grammar, Bendigo.

52 students contested the Secondary tournament, which featured teams from Girton Grammar, Catholic College and Maryborough Education Centre (MEC). The tournament was seven rounds with time limits of 15 minutes each.

85 students competed in the Primary tournament, which featured teams from Winters Flat, Castlemaine Primary, Girton Grammar, Maryborough Education Centre and Eaglehawk North Primary. The tournament was only for 6 rounds as many of the students were delayed for the scheduled start of the first round due to travel and bus issues.

Congraulations to Alan Zhou (Secondary) and Joe Flexmore & Lloyd Butcher (Primary) for finishing first in their tournaments.

Overall, the two tournaments were played in a friendly atmosphere, with no disuptes, and ran quite smoothly. This was due to both the attitude of the students and the organisational and managemennt skills of the various teachers and volunteers (I only had to put the results into the computer).

Please note the Girton secondary team names are based on which of the six "school house" the students were from:
JE/RI indicates students from the Jenkin and Riley houses,
JO/FR indicates students from the Jones and Frew houses,
M/AH indicates sudents from the Millward and Ahearne houses.
Team Standings - Secondary:
Place Name                           Score
  6   MEC SECONDARY                  16   

Team Standings - Primary
Place Name                   Score
  2   MEC PRIMARY A          21 
  7   ST MARYS PRIMARY A     16.5
  8   ST MARYS PRIMARY B     14 
  9   MEC PRIMARY B          13.5

Individual Standings - Secondary:
Place Name                   Club                           Score
  1   Zhou, Allan            Girton Grammar Secondary JE/RI 7  
  2   Hartshorn, Finn        Girton Grammar Secondary M/AH  6  
  3   Eenjies, Tavish        Girton Grammar Secondary JO/FR 5.5
  4   Henrickson, Sullivan   MEC Secondary                  5  
  5   Bevan, Fin             Girton Grammar Secondary JO/FR 5  
  6   Myres, Michael         Girton Grammar Secondary M/AH  5  
  7   Berryman, Will         Catholic College Bendigo A     5  
  8   Babovic, Milos         Girton Grammar Secondary JE/RI 5  
  9   Mann, Stephanie        Catholic College Bendigo B     5  
 10   Knight, Joshua         Catholic College Bendigo A     5  
 11   Brown, James           Catholic College Bendigo A     4.5
 12   Brennan, Riley         Girton Grammar Secondary JE/RI 4.5
 13   Goffin, Rowan          Catholic College Bendigo B     4.5
 14   Pitson, Jack           Catholic College Bendigo B     4.5
 15   Caltibianco, Paul      Girton Grammar Secondary JO/FR 4.5
 16   Lyons, Charlotte       Catholic College Bendigo B     4  
 17   Smith, River           Girton Grammar Secondary JE/RI 4  
 18   Woodhatch, Riley       Catholic College Bendigo B     4  
 19   King, Simon            MEC Secondary                  4  
 20   Price, Lewis           Girton Grammar Secondary JO/FR 4  
 21   King, Jordan           MEC Secondary                  3.5
 22   Exell, Ayden           Catholic College Bendigo A     3.5
 23   Reilly, Blake          Girton Grammar Secondary JO/FR 3.5
 24   Jayasekera, Rani       Girton Grammar Secondary JE/RI 3.5
 25   Swanson, Bianca        Catholic College Bendigo B     3.5
 26   Smagas, Spencer        Girton Grammar Secondary JO/FR 3.5
 27   Walton, Holly          Catholic College Bendigo B     3.5
 28   William Fraser, Travis MEC Secondary                  3.5
 29   Howell, Harrison       Catholic College Bendigo B     3.5
 30   Smith, Roy             Catholic College Bendigo B     3.5
 31   Brewin, Tom            Girton Grammar Secondary M/AH  3  
 32   Neilsen, Alexander     Girton Grammar Secondary M/AH  3  
 33   Morrison, Tom          Girton Grammar Secondary M/AH  3  
 34   Pianta, Zachary        Catholic College Bendigo A     3  
 35   Kelly, Gnaden          Catholic College Bendigo A     3  
 36   Jonny, Joel            Catholic College Bendigo B     3  
 37   Smagas, Nelson         Girton Grammar Secondary JO/FR 3  
 38   Edwards, Bailey        Girton Grammar Secondary M/AH  3  
 39   Carmeron, Riley        Catholic College Bendigo A     3  
 40   Ilagan, Rajan          Girton Grammar Secondary JE/RI 2.5
 41   Hartigan, Chelsea      Catholic College Bendigo A     2.5
 42   Killick, Mia           Catholic College Bendigo B     2.5
 43   Nassar, David          Girton Grammar Secondary JE/RI 2.5
 44   Enever, Harry          Catholic College Bendigo A     2  
 45   Haythorne, Patrick     Girton Grammar Secondary JO/FR 2  
 46   Weaver, Harry          Girton Grammar Secondary JE/RI 2  
 47   King, Zac              Girton Grammar Secondary M/AH  2  
 48   Cooper, Sharni         Catholic College Bendigo A     1.5
 49   Marshall, Zac          Girton Grammar Secondary JO/FR 1.5
 50   Johnston, Jai          Girton Grammar Secondary M/AH  1.5
 51   Douch, Connor          Girton Grammar Secondary JO/FR 1  
 52   Wild, James            Catholic College Bendigo A     1   

Individual Standings - Primary
Place Name                       Club                   Score
  1   Flexmore, Joe              Winters Flat Primary A 6  
  2   Butcher, Lloyd             Winters Flat Primary A 6  
  3   Lanfranchi, Jackson        MEC Primary A          5  
  4   Vella, Regan               Winters Flat Primary A 5  
  5   McCoy, Kaspar              Winters Flat Primary A 5  
  6   Showell, Sidney            Castlemaine Primary B  5  
  7   Coventry Brownrigg, Henry  Castlemaine Primary A  4.5
  8   Gamage, Sankalpa           Girton Grammar Primary 4.5
  9   Melton, B.J.               MEC Primary A          4.5
 10   Van Domburgh, Shem         St Marys Primary A     4.5
 11   Stroek, Felix              Winters Flat Primary A 4.5
 12   Tremlett-Davies, Henry     Winters Flat Primary A 4.5
 13   Saunders, Cohen            Winters Flat Primary B 4  
 14   Killeen, Caspar            Winters Flat Primary B 4  
 15   Dodson, Courtney           St Marys Primary A     4  
 16   Lyell, Jenson              MEC Primary A          4  
 17   Berry-Smith, Jaspar        Winters Flat Primary A 4  
 18   Munn, Travis               Castlemaine Primary B  4  
 19   Pattern, Lewis             MEC Primary A          4  
 20   Byrne, Martineau           Castlemaine Primary B  4  
 21   Hinrichson, William        Winters Flat Primary A 4  
 22   Marsden-Sweeney, Dylan     Winters Flat Primary B 4  
 23   Kennard, Ben               Winters Flat Primary A 4  
 24   Russell, David             Girton Grammar Primary 3.5
 25   Maroudas, Stefan           Winters Flat Primary B 3.5
 26   Rogers, Eli                Winters Flat Primary B 3.5
 27   O'Brien, Lucas             St Marys Primary B     3.5
 28   McMahon, Dylan             MEC Primary A          3.5
 29   Denk Rai, Fabian           Castlemaine Primary B  3.5
 30   MacKinnon, Callum          Castlemaine Primary A  3.5
 31   Bailey-Banks, Jaxon        Girton Grammar Primary 3.5
 32   MacDougal Di Manno, Reuben Winters Flat Primary B 3.5
 33   Jennings, Finley           Castlemaine Primary A  3.5
 34   Wellard, Macklin           Eaglehawk Nth Primary  3.5
 35   Chaffey, James             Castlemaine Primary A  3.5
 36   Lohmann, Jacob             MEC Primary A          3.5
 37   McCoy, Gabe                Winters Flat Primary B 3  
 38   Reed, Justin               St Marys Primary A     3  
 39   Casley, Jack               St Marys Primary A     3  
 40   Ragg-Hansen, Rama          Winters Flat Primary A 3  
 41   Hutchings, Ben             Girton Grammar Primary 3  
 42   Chapman, Bailey            Castlemaine Primary A  3  
 43   Nies, Miriam               Girton Grammar Primary 3  
 44   Tokovic, Malakai           Castlemaine Primary A  3  
 45   Marshall, Zed              Castlemaine Primary A  3  
 46   Freudenberg, Ryan          Winters Flat Primary B 3  
 47   Ford, Riley                MEC Primary A          3  
 48   Walker, Brendan            St Marys Primary B     3  
 49   Rose, Freddie              Winters Flat Primary A 3  
 50   Parker, Nathan             MEC Primary A          3  
 51   McCaig, Connor             Girton Grammar Primary 3  
 52   Aldridge, Declan           MEC Primary B          3  
 53   Leathan, Aiden             MEC Primary B          3  
 54   Bird, Austin               St Marys Primary B     3  
 55   Lawrence, Sophie           Winters Flat Primary B 2.5
 56   Cheema, Alayvir            Girton Grammar Primary 2.5
 57   Tolland, Xavier            St Marys Primary B     2.5
 58   Lang, Bailie               MEC Primary B          2.5
 59   Muirson, Sergio            MEC Primary B          2.5
 60   Polinelli, Coby            MEC Primary B          2.5
 61   Broughton, Tom             Castlemaine Primary A  2.5
 62   O'Connor, Niamh            Castlemaine Primary B  2  
 63   Jones, Kyle                St Marys Primary B     2  
 64   Rolands, Campbell          St Marys Primary B     2  
 65   Reed, Kirrilly             St Marys Primary A     2  
 66   Pollard, Jy                St Marys Primary B     2  
 67   Kelly, James               St Marys Primary A     2  
 68   Maroudas, Evia             Winters Flat Primary B 2  
 69   Zi Chia, Ri                Girton Grammar Primary 2  
 70   Loughan, Michael           Girton Grammar Primary 2  
 71   Jumpertz, Gabriel          St Marys Primary A     2  
 72   Shobanan, Harrishma        Girton Grammar Primary 2  
 73   Leevers, Padric            Castlemaine Primary B  2  
 74   Meadows, Lloyd             Castlemaine Primary B  2  
 75   Trew, Hayden               Eaglehawk Nth Primary  1.5
 76   Attwater, James            Eaglehawk Nth Primary  1.5
 77   Marshall, Tobiah           Castlemaine Primary B  1.5
 78   Lumsdon-Hill, Adam         Eaglehawk Nth Primary  1.5
 79   Poradi, Max                St Marys Primary A     1.5
 80   Shaleah, Gahan             Eaglehawk Nth Primary  1  
 81   Wellard, Elliot            Eaglehawk Nth Primary  1  
 82   Mundy, Charlotte           Eaglehawk Nth Primary  1  
 83   Diss, Shane                Eaglehawk Nth Primary  1  
 84   Diss, Jasmine              Eaglehawk Nth Primary  0.5
 85   Trew, Stephanie            Eaglehawk Nth Primary  0    

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